WP4: Communication, Dissemination, and Exploitation

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Lead Beneficiary

Theological University of Apeldoorn

Other Beneficiaries Involved

Fscire, Bar Ilan University, CINECA, EPHE, InfAI, KU Leuven, University of Sofia, Albanian University, University of Sarajevo, University of Warsaw, Volos Academy for Theological Studies, University of Münster.

WP4 Objectives

RESILIENCE already benefits from a Communication & Dissemination (C&D) plan, whose fourth and final version has been issued in December 2021. Nonetheless, the development of the services catalogues, the implementation of the user strategy and the objective of the construction of the ERIC, the impact measurement methodology as well as other expected outcomes of the PP require adjustments and improvements of this plan.

The main objectives of this WP are updating and implementing the Communication & Dissemination Plan during the Preparatory Phase and to develop a communication study dedicated to the specificity and typology of services and datasets for religious studies. For the update of the plan, the focus is especially on:

  • the users’ archetypes and a differentiated strategy to reach out especially to scholars (with WP USERS).
  • Refining the methodology to evaluate the impact of C&D activities (with WP IMPACT).
  • Tailoring the C&D plan according to different religious/cultural/social contexts.
  • Understanding the terms of an exploitation strategy for the RI.
  • Addressing the issue of KPIs for the specific RESILIENCE RI: typology and measurement methodology.
  • Improving the public representation and public image of the RI.
  • Ensuring a more effective connection to civil society and the private sector.
  • Taking into consideration the specific needs of different academic communities in dissemination actions.
  • Working on a more defined communication about how RESILIENCE contributes to the skills of its users.

Description of Work/Tasks

T4.1 Update and Implementation of the C&D strategy.

T4.2 Study on a subset of SERVICES.


D4.1 Communication & Dissemination plan: The plan adapts C & D strategies to the developing structure of RESILIENCE, ensuring a sound coordination on what, how, when and to whom is communicated by the partners, and to be ready for the Implementation Phase.

D4.2 Communication & Dissemination plan: The plan updates C & D strategies identified in D4.1 to the developing structure of RESILIENCE, ensuring a sound coordination on what, how, when and to whom is communicated by the partners, and to make a first balance of the strategy chosen and applied.

D4.3 Communication & Dissemination plan – Looking forward: The plan updates  C & D identified in D4.1  to the developing structure of RESILIENCE, ensuring a sound coordination on what, how, when and to whom is communicated by the partners, and to be ready for the Implementation Phase.

D4.4 Report on study of the subset of services: The report details the input, activities, output and outcomes of the study conducted.