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Lead Beneficiary
Other Beneficiaries Involved
InfAI, KU LEUVEN, University of Sofia, Theologial University of Aperldoorn, University of Sarajevo, University of Warsaw, University of Münster
WP1 Objectives
- starting the political, legal and administrative procedures to put in place the RESILIENCE ERIC;
- detailing the business plan and financial model for the Preparatory and Implementation Phases;
- establishing new partnerships with academic and non-academic data holders;
- ensuring the conditions for implementation, long-term sustainability and efficient operation of the RESILIENCE ERIC.
Description of Work
- T1.1: Establishment of the ERIC.
- T1.2: Development of the business model and financial plan for the later stages of Preparatory and Implementation Phases.
- T1.3: Support to the applications for political and financial support of RESILIENCE partners during the PP.
WP1 Deliverables
D1.1 RESILIENCE ERIC Statutes, bylaws and protocols [first draft]: The deliverable collects all documents requested for the establishment of the ERIC.
D1.2 RESILIENCE ERIC Statutes, bylaws and protocols [last version]: The deliverable collects all documents requested for the establishment of the ERIC in their latest version before the signature of the Member Countries.
D1.3 Financial sustainability plan: it presents the Business Model and Financial Plan for the later stages of the Preparatory Phase and the Implementation Phase, and the transition from one to the other.