News 18 June 2024

Video Recordings Scientific Diplomacy Forum #EuARe 2024 Available

The video recordings of the Scientific Diplomacy Forum #EuARe 2024, held May 20, 2024, and co-sponsored by RESILIENCE, are now available online.


The forum aimed at discussing how diplomacy is enhanced by Research Infrastructures and Scientific Programmes.


Below you can watch the contributions of: Francesca Cadeddu (RESILIENCE), Alberto Melloni (RESILIENCE), Jan Marco Müller (DG Research & Innovation), Ahmed Saleh AL RASHDI (Oman), Elizabeta Kitanovic (Conference of European Churches), Lidia Borrell Damián (Science Europe), Herman Selderhuis (EuARe), Evarist Bartolo (European Dual Studies University), Bonnie Wolff Boenisch (CESSDA ERIC), Monique Bossi (ETIC Einstein telescope), Erkki Tuomioja (Historians Without Border) and Alessandro Capra (UniMoRe).


Visual: ©EuAre