News 18 June 2024

Video Recordings PhD Forum #EuARe2024 Available

The video recordings of the RESILIENCE PhD Forum at #EuARe2024 are now available online.


The forum, held May 20, 2024 in Palermo, discussed the future of the study of religion and the role of Doctoral Schools in this field. More specifically, the forum debated about how to serve the future generations of scholars in terms of research tools, availability and access to data, tools, and capacity to imagine how to develop knowledge in the near future.


Below you can watch the contributions of: Alberto Melloni (Fscire), Daniela Scialabba (DREST), Gerard Langer (Vienna Doctoral School), Li Wendan (Peking University), Tomaž Erzar (University of Ljubljana), Konrad Schmid (League of European Research Universities), Joas Wagemakers (NISIS), Katharina Kunter (University of Helsinki), Peter De Mey (KU Leuven), Lieneke Timpers (KU Leuven), Ivana Noble (Charles University), Daniel Schuval (Bar Ilan University), Vassa Kontouma (École Pratique des Hautes Études).