News 26 June 2024

Thirteen Applicants Accepted for a Transnational Access Fellowship

RESILIENCE is pleased to announce that thirteen applicants from a total of ten countries have been accepted for RESILIENCE Transnational Access (TNA) Fellowships.

Applicants to one of the fifteen RESILIENCE TNA host institutions were invited to submit an individual proposal from the broad spectrum of research on religion with a historical or current relevance.

Wide Range of Interdisciplinary and Interreligious Topics

Thirteen fellowships for research projects were awarded in the call for applications that closed in May 2024, including many interdisciplinary and interreligious studies. They address a wide range of topics in research on religion such as the network of International Christian Solidarity, European mission in South-East Asia and Africa, decolonisation, Russian and Ukrainian Orthodoxy, Ottoman pilgrim guides, Jewish sources for Slavonian texts, and many more.

Research Stay with Benefits

The TNA fellows are invited to visit institutions in a country other than the one in which they reside. At the selected RESILENCE Transnational Access host institution, they receive direct, fast and effective access to the resources, documents and data they need for their research. The successful completion of the studies is facilitated in particular by the guidance and supervision of local experts, whose in-depth knowledge of the sources and data provides important support and an enhanced perspective. In addition, the TNA programme offers the RESILIENCE scholars practical help on site in the form of the provision of a workplace, copying services, access requirements to collections, travel tips, as well as other benefits offered by the individual TNA host institution.

The TNA hosts are already looking forward to the incoming TNA fellows, as their research stays are regarded as a scholarly as well as personal enrichment by the hosts and expand the network of both the fellows and the hosting institutions.

We wish the RESILIENCE fellows a successful research stay and are very much looking forward to the results of their important studies.


Next Call

Find out about the next TNA Call for Applications that will open on October 15, 2024 and close on December 1, 2024.