We warmly congratulate our executive director Roxanne Wyns (LIBIS/KU Leuven) on the election to a three year term as EOSC-A Director.
Roxanne Wyns has more than 15 years of professional experience managing complex and large-scale digital infrastructure projects in Research Data Management and Open Science as part of LIBIS. She was involved with RESILIENCE from the beginning, where we got to know her as a professional and capable collaborator, who supported our team in many ways with her experience.
Roxanne: “As an active member of the EOSC community, having served as a delegate for KU Leuven and as co-chair of the EOSC-A Long Term Data Preservation Task Force, I look forward to starting this new chapter. I am honored to join a fantastic team of current and incoming directors, and together, we will work towards the successful implementation of the European Open Science Cloud. Thank you to everyone who has supported me on this journey. Let’s make open science a reality!”
We wish Roxanne every success in her new position!
Read the announcement on the EOSC website.