News 03 September 2024

RESILIENCE’s Financial Sustainability Outlined

In our latest deliverable we outlined the financial sustainability of the research infrastructure RESILIENCE in the future.

Financial Stability

Financial stability is one of the prerequisites to actually start offering Religious Studies services. The Financial Sustainability Plan lays the groundwork for discussion with consortium partners and the future ERIC’s member states on steps to be taken at all levels to ensure the sustainability of RESILIENCE in the medium and long term.


The plan outlines short- and long-term strategies supporting the sustainability of the RESILIENCE activities, its nodes and services, focusing on securing the continuity of RESILIENCE’s operations in the transition between the current Preparatory Phase (2022-2026) and the Implementation Phase (starting 2026). This is of relevance as the transition to the next phase will be characterized by the establishment of RESILIENCE as an ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium, maintained by European Member States).

Cost Book and Expenses of National Nodes

Based on data collected in previous phases, a cost book is presented as well as an overview of expenses of the national nodes.

Go here to read the Financial Sustainability Plan.