RESILIENCE drafted the Statutes and Technical and Scientific Description in a first version, Deliverable D1.1. These texts are needed for the establishment of the future ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium).
D1.1 collects all documents requested for the establishment of the ERIC in their first version. The RESILIENCE Research Infrastructure plans to apply for the establishment of the RESILIENCE ERIC by the end of the present Preparatory Phase of RESILIENCE.
To date, the work done by WP1 allows to present a draft of the RESILIENCE statutes and the Technical and Scientific Description. Bylaws and protocols for the Research Infrastructure to start its implementation phase and proceed further will be drafted during the next 18 months, once the process of preliminary negotiation between member states will be established.
The statutes contain stipulations on: membership, governance and the establishment of various bodies, reporting to the European Commission, etc. The technical and scientific description takes its starting point in RESILIENCE’s vision and mission and then describes the governance, the community, the research infrastructure, the technical infrastructure, and the establishment and functioning of national consortia.
Go here to read the deliverable D1.1.