With Deliverable D5.1, the Impact Analysis, an important document was delivered to identify the impact of the future research infrastructure, to collect the data for it and to define the specific responsibilities for data gathering, data analysis and reporting schedules.
The term impact describes all the changes which are expected to happen due to the implementation and application of a given policy option/intervention [such as investment in a Research Infrastructure and its activities]. Such impacts may occur over different timescales, affect different actors and be relevant at different scales (local, regional, national and EU).
The main purpose of Impact Assessment (IA) for RESILIENCE RI is to identify, describe and evaluate the effects of the resources and activities offered through the RESILIENCE services by connecting the outputs and outcomes as key performance indicators with lasting structural changes manifested in scientific, teaching, human resources, economic, communal and policy development.
This assumes, that the reserach infrastructure will have an impact on society, policy, economy and innivation as well as on human resources.
The main objectives of impact assessment for RESILIENCE are defined as:
You can read more in Deliverable D5.1.