EPHE's head office in Paris was the place where delegates from the RESILIENCE partners met during a two-day meeting, January 27 and 28, 2020.
In the internet world, a lot of communication takes place digitally, but again it became clear that face-to-face meetings and personal encounters add an extra dimension and can never replace digital communication 100%. The extra dimension consists for example of adequately thinking along with each other, so that a faster and maybe better result can be achieved concerning the various issues to be solved. At least in Paris, this was part of a common experience.
The attendants presented their plans as well as the developments in the work packages, including the status of the work on the various deliverables and the short time planning. Extra time was reserved for the definition of RESILIENCE future’s services and a reflection on how the future research infrastructure will look like.
The extra dimension of a face-to-face meeting included the joy of meeting many colleagues in person, the exchange before, during and after the meeting as well as a stay in the capital of France, thanks to the wonderful hosting of École Pratique des Hautes Études.