News 28 January 2025

Prototyping, Testing and Profiting from ITSERR’s Market Place

In her presentation at the recent CNR-DSU conference for research infrastructures in the Social, Human and Cultural Heritage Sciences, Francesca Cadeddu (Fscire) highlighted how RESILIENCE can profit from the prototyping and testing of ITSERR's Market Place.


The conference, held in Rome, was organized by CNR-DSU to support research excellence at the national and European levels by promoting the development of open, integrated research systems oriented toward innovation and technology transfer. In the words of department director, Salvatore Capasso: “We took it upon ourselves to present the research infrastructure in our department, because it is a key asset for the work not only of the CNR, but of the country.”

ITSERR’s Market Place

RESILIENCE, as well as the supporting project ITSERR, was presented by our general director Francesca Cadeddu (Fscire). She made clear that ITSERR also provides an innovative digital platform for storing and sharing data, offering access to study materials and developing new research methodologies. The ITSERR Market Place is a wonderful platform designed to cater IT needs of researchers, providing tools and features that enhance research, collaboration and knowledges haring beyond the project.

Prototype and Testing

In the RESILIENCE context, so Cadeddu, the ITSERR Market Place could be seen as a prototype on how to integrate IT/user services within a single platform, and the testing of a potential IT Services partner: from CNR. Lessons learned from the integration of various IT services and Virtual Research Environments (Utilizing D4Science) that are tailored to the needs of researchers can be picked up by RESILIENCE.


The CNR-DSU coordinates the institution’s participation in the main European research infrastructures listed in the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) roadmap and in the National Research Infrastructure Plan for the Social Sciences and Humanities sector.

Source: Fscire