The lecture by Jakub Koryl (Jagiellonian University), presented on 8 October 2020, is now available online. It is the last lecture in a series of e-seminars, organized by the Centre for the Study of the Reformation (Faculty of "Artes Liberales", University of Warsaw) and Koło Kultury Staropolskiej (University of Warsaw)
Jakub Koryl is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Polish Studies, Jagiellonian University. His scientific interests cover intellectual history of Early-Modern period, exegesis of the Bible, hermeneutics, Protestant theology and German philosophy of the XXth century. He received the Prime Minister’s Award for the PhD dissertation “Erazmianizm w polskiej kulturze literackiej XVI wieku” [“Erasmianism in the Polish Literary Culture of the XVI century”].
The four webinars can be watched via the YouTube playlist.