News 13 September 2022

A Closer Look at RESILIENCE’s Work in the Preparatory Phase

In these weeks, RESILIENCE takes a closer look at the work to be done in its Preparatory Phase (2022-2026) during which a number of important questions will be addressed.


The preparatory phase will be a decisive phase, in which it must become clear whether the legal form of an ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium) can actually be launched in 2026, and which countries and institutions will be its members and partners.


The work in this phase includes legal, governance, financial, technical, strategic, and administrative aspects carried out in six workpackages.


A closer look also means, that the exciting questions that have been signaled before are coming closer to reality. Questions like: How will we cooperate with other RIs? What services will we take over and what will we offer as an infrastructure primarily focused on Religious Studies? What services can we already offer in the preparatory phase and how will we optimize them, together with future users? What is the impact we want to achieve and how we will do that? RESILIENCE is looking forward to finding answers to these questions in a collaborative way.

Stakeholder Involvement

Building a research infrastructure for Religious Studies is done in close collaboration with stakeholders, like academia. In the coming years, we will reinforce the stakeholder involvement so that we can learn from the stakeholder’s desires and challenges in conducting research on Religious Studies.


RESILIENCE executive directors are confident about the work to be done and are looking forward to the further development of the RI. As general executive director Francesca Cadeddu says:

“Teams and Units are ready to put in place all the preparatory actions that we planned in light of the strategy that our General Assembly designed for us. The excellent profiles of our team members and the dynamism that has always characterised our consortium gives us great confidence on the good quality of the results we are going to achieve.”