Explore National Libraries and Museums

You may want to visit these libraries and museums during your stay in Strasbourg.

Strasbourg is a culturally rich city. The Museums of the City of Strasbourg, organised in the form of a multidisciplinary network of 11 museums and historic monuments, pursue an open and dynamic scientific and cultural policy, and promote access to the collections for as many people as possible.
Visit this page for an overview of the Museums of Strasbourg.

Collections of the University of Strasbourg

The University of Strasbourg also has a large number of scientific collections that bear witness to the teaching, research and dissemination of knowledge that it has developed over the course of its history. As well as inventorying, preserving and managing these collections, the University of Strasbourg is keen to share their wealth by developing various scientific promotion and mediation activities throughout the year: Museums of the University of Strabourg.

Historic Book Sites in Colmar and Sélestat

Lastly, easily accessible by train, towns such as Colmar and Sélestat offer magnificent sites dedicated to the history of books:


Visual: Exhibition “Sacrés Rois”, photo by Alexandra Montana-Lampo.

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