Our Collections

As a heritage library for research in the humanities and social sciences, the Bnu makes almost 4 million documents available to the public, covering the entire range of human production, from Mesopotamian cuneiform tablets to the most contemporary digital documentation.

Historical Collections

The heritage holdings include:
  • publications prior to 1920 (around 1.1 million documents),
  • manuscripts (around 8,000 sets, including 700 medieval manuscripts),
  • collections of Egyptian and ancient objects and artefacts,
  • iconographic and cartographic collections,
  • collections of coins and medals,
  • and private collections.

Documentary Heritage

The Bnu is also responsible for preserving Alsace’s documentary heritage, and has specific responsibilities at national level as part of the CollEx programme (Germanic Studies, Nordic Studies, Medieval Europe, European Questions, Ancient Sciences, and Religious Studies).
Good to know: at the Bnu, two computer workstations provide access to the legal deposit of French websites collected by the Bibliothèque nationale de France and its partners.


Visit our website to learn more about the collections of the Bnu.


Visual: Bibliothèque nationale et universitaire de Strasbourg, photo by Ombeline Faure.

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