Münster University Library consists of 2.684.166 volumes, 169.189 digital documents, 5.888 databases, 65.132 subscribed journals (61.450 of them electronically); de- centralised libraries for theology and Religious Studies hold around 750.000 volumes, 322 special databases on theology and study of religion, 4189 subscribed (electronic) journals on theology and study of religion.
Unique book collections and editions (digital and analogue) are available in the individual specialist libraries, such as the Critical edition of the New Testament and New Testament Textual Research at the Institute for New Testament Textual Research; the Library of Neology (BDN); the Digital Edition “Römische Inquisition und Indexkongregation von 1542 bis 1966” and many more.
The digitisation of old manuscripts and books is another focus of the theological libraries at the University of Münster and can be discovered in various places, such as the New Testament Virtual Manuscript Room, a place where scholars can come to find the most exhaustive list of New Testament manuscript resources, can contribute to marking attributes about these manuscripts, and can find state of the art tools for researching this rich dataset, or the Bible Museum, a collection of about 2000 bibles.