News 09 January 2025

TNA Services Management Plan

TNA (Transnational Access) will be one of the core services of RESILIENCE ERIC. To be well prepared for the implementation, a beta version of the TNA Services Management Plan plan has been written. In its final version, the plan will support a smooth transition of the TNA Programme from the current Preparation Phase into the Implementation Phase of RESILIENCE (2026).

TNA Programme

At present, the TNA Programme is in the validating phase of prototyping, where it is functioning in its targeted environment. The RESILIENCE TNA Programme will also form a crucial part of the future RESILIENCE ecosystem. It ensures physical access to sources, unique collections and expertise on the study of religion, and helps increase the network of individual TNA Fellows and the TNA Hosts.

Building the Bridge between Physical and Digital Access

It is the combination of digital and physical access to data that is and will remain essential for comprehensive multidisciplinary and multilingual research in the study of religion. Providing only digital data and tools excludes sources as well as specific contents, expressive forms and particular disciplines of the study of religion does not enable holistic research. Via its TNA Programme, RESILIENCE aims to build this bridge between physical and digital access.

TNA Services Management Plan

The TNA Services Management Plan describes the governance, roles and responsibilities for RESILIENCE ERIC, the management and workflow concerning the applications, the management of the TNA Host Network, the workflow of TNA Host Applications, risk management and other relevant procedures and strategies.


This deliverable outlines the TNA Programme from a management perspective as it will be run from June 2026 onward. Updates of the plan are foreseen, supporting a smooth transition of the TNA Programm from the current Preparation Phase into the Implementation Phase of RESILIENCE.


Go here to access the beta version of the TNA Services Management Plan, Deliverable D2.5.