About Us

ITSERR is the Italian research project aimed at enhancing the ESFRI RESILIENCE Research Infrastructure, with five Italian research centers which constitute the ITSERR consortium:

  • Institute of Information Science and Technologies “Alessandro Faedo” (ISTI-CNR) in Pisa, affiliated to the National Research Council (CNR),
  • Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia (UniMORE),
  • Università di Napoli “l’Orientale” (UniOr),
  • Università degli Studi di Palermo (UniPa),
  • Università di Torino (UniTo).

All of them are contributing to the progress of the Religious Studies as the project is willing to play a pivotal role in enriching the diversity, the quality and innovation of knowledge produced by the community of the Religious Studies.


Institutes and Departments across Italy are involved in the advancement of Religious Studies according their own features and specificities:

IT Institutes and Departments, such as ISTI-CNR, the Department of Engineering “Enzo Ferrari” at UniMORE or the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science and the one of Engineering at UniPa, are leaders in bringing innovation within the domain,

Departments of Historical Studies at UniTo and of Asian, African and Mediterranean Studies at UniOr are developing new methodologies within the Religious Studies and Archaeology, and

Departments that are highly involved in Religious Studies through the excellence of their didactic and research, such as the Department of Education and Human Sciences (DESU) at UniMORE or the Department of Cultures and Societies at UniPa.

The main goal of the project it related to its high interdisciplinarity as it is offering to the Religious Studies the possibility to create new specific tools for the enhancing of the domain, but also the way to applicate to it others already existing and really suiting for its purposes and objectives.