RESILIENCE's latest deliverable D2.2 sheds light on the services catalogue, what core services can be found in it and which 14 services have already been collected.
As written in the Services Preparation and Implementation Strategy, the emphasis during this Preparatory Phase is on the mapping of existing services (in-kind and from other research infrastructures, e-infrastructures, etc.) and on setting up procedures for the inclusion of services in the service catalogue. The just completed deliverable D2.2 sheds light on the outlines of RESILIENCE’s Service Catalogue.
Based on the needs of the community and the available resources during the Preparatory Phase, RESILIENCE will also work towards implementing a selection of core services:
The focus on the preparation work and implementation of the Service Catalogue itself is on categorisation of services and procedures for evaluating and onboarding them. This will allow us to focus on increasing the visibility of qualitative and highly useful tools and resources already available at partner institutions and in the wider research ecosystem. One of the most important criteria in these procedures is the Technology Readiness Level of a service, a measurement system used to assess the maturity level of a service. More on the Services Level Requirements can be found in the recently published Deliverable D2.9.
The categorisation of services used by the EOSC Association was adopted, allowing RESILIENCE to be more easily integrted in the wider European ecosystem.
For the mapping of existing services a template was used. In a first round testing the template, already 14 services could be collected. They are listed in the deliverable.
Go here to read Deliverable D2.2, the intermediate version of the User Services Catalogue.