Our Collections

The physical and digital collections and libraries of the five ITSERR institutions are organised as follows:

Institute of Information Science and Technologies “Alessandro Faedo” in Pisa (ISTI-CNR)

The ISTI-CNR Library, founded in 1954 by the Center for Studies on Electronic Computing (CSCE) of the University of Pisa (later IEI-CNR), is one of the oldest ICT Libraries in Europe. Its collections support the informational needs of the scientific community, allowing access to a significant number of either traditional or electronic resources. The software for the catalogue management is OPAC (On line Public Access Catalogue) and it allows the users to friendly browse the collective catalogues of the CNR-Area in Pisa. The catalogue of books counts approximately 27.000 records describing the documents hold by the affiliated libraries/institutes. The catalogue of journals has approximately 2.000 records describing both printed and online journals subscribed by the affiliated institutes. For the journals under subscription it is possible to access the on-line resources. The Library offers high quality services with the aim to facilitate the research activities of the Institute and to support the informational needs of the scientific community. 

Within the librarian heritage of ISTI-CNR and the CNR Research area of Pisa there are collections created dedicated to the volumes on specific knowledge areas and groups of donations. All of them can be found within the collective catalogue of books, whose items present a special visualisation. The donations have been offered to the Library by scientists who had been working in some of the Institutes present in the CNR Area in Pisa.

The Special Collections are dedicated to Internet Governance Collection; Security and Privacy Collection; Antartide Collection, and Digital Libraries Collection.


Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia (UniMORE)

At UniMORE the libraries are within the wide net of the Library System, which offers a collection of print and electronic materials. It supports the needs of all University departments, and holds over one million printed documents, extensive runs of journal literature and e-journals, a wide range of electronic resources, and prestigious collections of rare books.

University’s Interdepartmental Library

This library is featured by the presence on the shelves of the main part of the librarian heritage, whose is dedicated prominently to Humanities  (Philosophy, Psychology, Social Sciences, Language, Arts, Literature, History and Geography), with a specific section about Religion, but also to Natural Sciences, Technologies and Applied Sciences. All the documents are related to the didactic and research led by UniMore and available for the loan.

Engineering Library “Enzo Ferrari”

The library hosts and a collection of books dedicated to different branches of engineering (civil, environmental, informatics, of the materials, mechanics, IT communications).


At UniMORE institutional users and visiting and TNA scholars have the possibility to access as users to bibliographic, citation and full text databases, differentiated according to a thematic area. The database related to the Department of Education and Social Sciences allows the access to these resources.  It is also possible to use one of the most used discovery tool for bibliographical research.


Università di Napoli “l’Orientale” (UniOr)

The Department of Asia, Africa and Mediterranean (DAAM) if featured by the wealth of its specialist libraries, based at the sixteenth-century Palazzo Corigliano in Piazza San Domenico, the headquarters of DAAM. These libraries boast truly precious collections, including the ancient books of the original Chinese College.

Library section at Palazzo Corigliano

Placed at Palazzo Corigliano, the librarian heritage of this library is prominently dedicated to the study of the Eastern Regions, the African continent and the Mediterranean area. It holds more than 300.000 monographs, 3.100 journals and resources such as CD, e, audiovisuals, photos, diapositives). 

Moreover, the library holds also rare ancient books also of the 14th century (cinquecentine) from the collection of Chines College, 350 manuscripts about Middle and Extreme East, a Book collections about Berberian and Ethiopian cultures of the African continent and Documents and excavation diaries from archaeological excavations led by the University.

Digital Collections

At UniOr, as user of the university community, you can find the digital collections in two different sections:

Ancient documents digitized (886 items which include manuscripts, printed editions and cartography) all available here.

OMEKA is an open source software which supports the publications of the digitised collections of UniOr according to the international standard of bibliographic description and for the representation of digitized objects. 

Witin the electronic resources you can search here.


Being a TNA fellow at UniOr gives you the possibility to access as user to the databases the discovery  available for the UniOr user community, together with the under subscription database with all its references, available here


Università degli Studi di Palermo (UniPa)

UniPa has 21 specialized libraries and a huge museum system related to the research led at University of Palermo all over the decades within the different fieldworks. Palermo libraries offer quality services, through is spaces or through the on-line resources and tools. The printed collection of the Libraries of UniPa are available on libraries reading rooms. They consist of more than 1.5 million documents. 

Library of the Humanistic Disciplines

This library located in the heart of the campus UniPa, was created after the reunion of different libraries dedicated to the Humanistic Disciplines. It is articulated in different sections:

Section I is dedicated to a wide group of disciplines, such as: Religions, Philosophy, Sciences of the Antiquities, Literature, Archivistic, Paleography and Diplomacy, Librarianship and Sciences of the Information’s, Teather and Cinema. This section includes also two specialized libraries dedicated to Philosophy and Modern History and to Linguistic and Languages.

Section II (Antiquities) is dedicated to the Sciences of the Antiquity and Classical Philology, as part of the great traditions of Studies related to this fieldwork, which represent a legacy of important scholars such as Bruno Lavagnini and Giusto Monaco who have been working here. Its wide librarian heritage is prominently dedicated to Greek, Latin, Byzantine and Modern Greek Languages and Literature, but also to Archaeology and Ancient History. This section includes also two specialized libraries on Languages and Linguistic, Philosophy and Medieval History, but also to Anthropology and Sociology.

Library “Law and Societies”

The library offer a wide selection of books and documents dedicated to disciplines such as: Law (general sources and National and International law), Doctrine, Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, Anthropology and Sociology.

Moreover, the following ancient book collections are available: 

Castagna Book Collection

The Castagna book collection houses 3.680 volumes (monographies and partially journals) published between 1500 and 1830 whose main subjects are related to Linguistic, Italian, Greek and Latin Literature, Ancient Philosophy and Religion, Law. The collection has been catalogued according to the Aleph system (the OPAC of UniPa).

Moncada di Paternò Book Collection

The Fondo Moncada Paternò houses 2536 volumes, published between 1500 and the Modern Era or after 1830. Moreover. This prestigious book collection has 800 volumes dedicated to Ancient and Modern Literature, History and Religion and published between the 17th and 18th centuries.

Digital Collections

Within the section “Digital collection for disciplines” it is possible to find bibliography on Religious Studies under categories such as  “Political and Social Sciences”, “Humanist Sciences”, or “Multidisciplinars”.


Università di Torino (UniTo)

Within the librarian heritage of UniTo there are important book collections, whose content are described as follows:

Library of Religious Sciences “Erik Peterson”

The Library of Religious Sciences “Erik Peterson” was in its origins the personal library of the important German scholar who studied on evangelical theology, acquired by the University of Turin on October 23, 1961. It is composed by 6.550 volumes and a filing cabinet with about 600.000 manuscript files together with personal letters. The library comprehends also an archive.

Paul Kahle Fonds

 Paul Kahle Fonds is a library and an archive dedicated to the famous German orientalist P. Kahle. It comprehends a collection of Arab, Persian and Turkish manuscripts dated between the 15th and the 20th centuries.

Antonio Attisani Founds, composed by a collection of publication on the performative arts and the Tibet culture.

Eastern Library “Oscar Botto”

The Eastern Library is named after the important scholar Oscar Botto who collected an important library dedicated to Sanskrit literature, Buddhist doctrine and literature, and to juridical history of ancient India. It houses 40.600 volumes (monographies and journal together with didactic resources). It collects several disciplines about India, Sout Asian East and China and Japan. Moreover, it has inherited also other libraries of importance, such the Fondo Jean Boisselier, on the art of Sout Asian East and Khmer, Thai culture and the Fondo Siegfried Lienhard, of high linguistic interest, dedicate with a collection of Sanskrit and Prakriti texts with grammars and dictionaries on the Indian languages. Finally, the Fondo Anne Marie Esnoul, is dedicated to the art of the Northern India.

“Giovanni Tabacco” Library

The “G. Tabacco” Library is the main library of the Department of Historical Studies, dedicated to the Professor of Medieval History of University of Turin, Giovanni Tabacco. It holds about 150.000 monographies and 250 journals, also online. In 2014 the library inherited the so called SAAST, the library dedicated to anthropological, archaeological and territorial Sciences with more than 40.000 volumes e 189 journals. Finally, the library holds also the private library of the famous Professor of Greek and Roman Archaeology and History of Art Giorgio Gullini (1923-2004), with 1500 documents: books, journals and brochures. 

Digital Library

The Digital Library houses more than 31 thousand ancient and historical items digitalized from 57 collections. The library hoses also rare booklets of the 16th century on topics such as Law or Religion (as prays for weddings or religious feasts).


Being a TNA fellow at UniTO will give you the access as user to several databases, through the discovery EUREKA for the ones dedicated to research area. While the multidisciplinary database are on Web of Science and Scopus