Albanian University

Albanian University is among the first private institutions of higher education, located in Tirana, licensed in April 2004 by the Ministry of Education and Science and ratified by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania.

About Albanian University

Albanian University (AU) fully abides by the requirements and criteria of the Bologna Charter and proudly engages in high quality teachings in all levels of higher academic education. Albanian University’s latest accreditation by the Accreditation Board of the Higher Education Quality Assurance Agency is by decision No. 1, January 24th, 2019.

Initially known as the Universitas Fabrefacta Optime (UFO), AU initiated its first academic year in 2004 with about one hundred students. Since the first year of its inception, AU placed in the center of academic life, the promotion of the intellectual product and the merging of the learning process with scientific research. AU has been operating for more than a decade, currently organized into three faculties: Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Applied and Economic Sciences and Faculty of Medical Sciences.



