News 07 December 2021

Insights in ESFRI and its New Research Infrastructure Projects

During the launch of the ESFRI Roadmap 2021 December 7, many insights were offered into ESFRI, the Roadmap and the various research infrastructure projects included in it, like RESILIENCE.


The launch was held in an online format, and included among others a ceremony, a roundtable, a press conference and presentations by ESFRI projects, which are research infrastructures in their Preparation Phase, like RESILIENCE.


ESFRI is the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures. Its chair, Jan Hrušák, emphasized that ESFRI is ready to help to build the European research area, and to implement, supporting to strengthen the research capacities in Europe. During the years, ESFRI’s approach has become more and more service driven and impact oriented, According to Hrušák, research infrastructures will impact the neighborhood, they will demonstrate the presence of science and that there is some capacity for change. Infrastructures can demonstrate that science is connected with education, with culture and with immediate impact on the surroundings.

RESILIENCE’s Presentation

Alberto Melloni of Fscire, the leading organisation of the RESILIENCE consortium, presented RESILIENCE, whereby he emphasized the importance of knowledge: “In the ‘religious climate change’ in which we live, many responses are offered and many challenges are on the stage. What our Research Infrastructure will offer is to use the tool of knowledge. For this reason we are offering services that are interdisciplinary by nature.”

ESFRI Roadmap 2021

The ESFRI Roadmap 2021 itself, including the strategy report, the landscape analyses and the projects and landmarks involved, can be found here.